Standard poodles what else !

Height from 45 to 62 cm, weight from 18 to 30 kg. The standard poodle should be considered a breed in its own right compared to the smaller varieties. In fact, even today, before being admitted to breeding, a poodle must be measured on display, its size must be confirmed by an expert judge and then transcribed on the certificate of origin. This whole procedure is required because, frequently, children are not the same size as their parents, on the contrary, once they grow up, they may turn out to be larger or smaller in size than their father and mother. In fact, over the generations of tramps, there were frequent exchanges of bloodlines between the various sizes. To give an example, if a toy grows too much it will become a dwarf and despite having a toy genetic heritage, it can therefore only be used for reproduction with dwarfs even though it carries a toy genetic heritage behind it. This exchange of bloodlines is very frequent in the smaller sizes while it is practically non-existent in the large poodle, which for generations has been bred without being influenced by poodles of a size other than the giant one. The standard is a very calm, intelligent and balanced dog, despite its size it is never an intrusive or clumsy dog ​​in its movements and is absolutely suitable for domestic life. Unfortunately many people, misled by the size of the dog, fall into error and tend to think that the standard is suited to living in the garden, which is absolutely not true, as these dogs, if isolated and left to themselves, they tend to change their character by becoming nervous and barking. Whoever intends to take one of these dogs as a companion must allow him to live in close contact with the family environment. The syandard poodle is a dog that is well suited to living even in a studio apartment as long as it is allowed a long daily walk and a few runs in the city park, a small sacrifice if placed
compared to all the love and companionship he is willing to give in return. If taken out regularly from an early age, the giant poodle learns normal hygiene rules more quickly than its smaller sized cousins, in fact, it often happens that at just over 3 months of age the giant puppy no longer does its needs in the house, much to the owner´s delight. The Standard is an elegant and noble dog, easily trainable, calmer than its smaller cousins, endowed with great learning abilities, with a sensitive soul and which requires a helping hand. he is a dog suitable for everyone, even for those who have never owned dogs, thanks to his nature he will be a splendid friend for children, an adventure companion for the more sporty, a discreet presence for elderly people and elegant bordering on snobbish for those who want a sophisticated dog. If necessary, the poodle of this size will be able to become an excellent guard dog who will welcome the bad guys by barking incessantly, even if, given his friendly nature, he will hardly pass
attacking by biting. In any case, the impetus with which he will face the intruders will often be more than enough to scare them away. The large poodle, not being a quarrelsome dog, can coexist without any problem with other dogs regardless of size and sex and even in the presence of more
Adult male dogs the large poodle will not show a quarrelsome attitude. Coexistence with other animals is also easy as long as the manager undertakes to introduce them to his poodle in the correct way, with the right calm and without creating jealousy. The only "defect" of this size is the care of the coat which obviously requires work greater than smaller poodles. However, everything depends on how you want to keep the dog groomed. Those who love seeing their poodle with long hair will have to make an effort to brush it often and wash it regularly. Those who, on the other hand, prefer to give their pet a shorter and sportier look, will enjoy it. certainly easier management by simply taking him to the groomer from time to time. To conclude, anyone who chooses to share their life with one of these Poodles will find in him a faithful, loyal, intelligent companion, a true friend who is always present. and as a great breeder once told me, the standard has only one flaw, that of not living forever....

SAMARCANDA Standard Poodles
Samarcanda Standard poodle since 1983

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